Why the Brooks School Was a Perfect Fit for Me

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Choosing a college major can be an overwhelming task. With so many fields of study, it can take time to determine what aligns best with your interests and career goals. When I began my college journey, I struggled with this very issue. My interests include economics, government, political science, philosophy, law, and more. After much contemplation and research, I decided to study policy at the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy — this was the perfect fit for me!

Why I Chose Cornell

Submitted by ecw222 on

When people discover that I’m from Hawaii, the most common question I’m followed up with is, What brought you all the way to Cornell? Here, I share the three main reasons that brought me to a college across the country.  

Unique Areas of Academic Study 

When I started my “college search” in high school, I wasn’t sure what to major in. My interests in and out of the classroom varied: I was fascinated by science and medicine, I loved learning about world language and culture, and I had a long-standing passion for cooking.   

Adjusting to Cornell as a Transfer Student

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Cornell’s vibrant campus became my new home soon after I arrived for new-student orientation. I was terrified. As a transfer student, I feared other students would already have close friends, and I would struggle adjusting to my classes. However, when we were placed into orientation groups, we had the chance to meet fellow students and ask our leader any questions. Whether it was about the intensity of courses or where the best food on campus was, my orientation leader reassured us we belonged at Cornell and would succeed.

Tips for Moving to New York from the Sunshine State

Submitted by ecw222 on

If there is anything I can prepare you for as a native Floridian at Cornell, it's the winter weather. Ithaca, NY, is home to all four seasons, and if you're a student from a different climate, you might be surprised as summer turns to fall and then to a cold winter. To help you prepare, whether you're from Florida or another warm locale, here are Sammie's three S's for a Successful transition.  

Finding My Brooks Family

Submitted by ecw222 on

After spending the last seven years at a small, all-girls private school, changing schools—let alone moving across the country to a big university—was a huge transition I hesitated to take on. My high school graduating class had 92 other students, and each class had 20 students at most. I was very comfortable in the bubble of peers I grew up with and felt connected to every one of my classmates.

The Finger Lakes Tour is designed to provide school and community-based organization counselors with a comprehensive and immersive experience of our campuses, academic programs, student life, and the unique opportunities available to your students. During the tour, you will have the chance to:

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