Meet Jordan
Jordan’s passion for exploration and connection has shaped her college experience. Engaged in various campus activities, including serving as the treasurer of the Women's Club Softball Team and being a Big Red Ambassador, Jordan also finds that the College of Arts & Sciences fosters her curiosity, allowing her to explore subjects like hard sciences and Near Eastern Studies as she settled on her economics major.
What clubs/activities are you involved with on campus?
I'm the treasurer of the Women's Club Softball Team, a Big Red Ambassador, and a fitness monitor at Cornell Recreation Centers, and I play in an intramural pickleball league.
Tell us about your favorite thing to do in Ithaca.
Ithaca is such a great college town; there are so many fun things to do. Going to the Ithaca Farmers Market or picking apples at one of the various orchards are great weekend activities in the fall. Sometimes, getting off campus is fun, so heading down to the Ithaca Commons to enjoy a meal at a nice restaurant is also fun!
Tell us about your favorite Cornell memory.
My favorite Cornell memory is traveling with my club softball team to regionals in Pennsylvania. Even though we were not at Cornell, we brought our Big Red pride, and it was such a fun experience. Coming into Cornell, I didn't know I was going to join the team, and I certainly didn't think I'd be traveling with them to another state, but I am very grateful for the opportunity to have done both. Joining clubs is a great way to meet new people and do things you wouldn't usually have the chance to do.
What is your favorite class so far, and why?
My favorite class so far was Introduction to Macroeconomics. I took this class in the spring of my first year, and it confirmed that I wanted to be an economics major. I enjoyed the professor, Terry Alexander, because he explained the content well and wanted all his students to succeed. He offered so much support, even though it was a huge lecture-style class. The class has students from many different majors and colleges/schools within Cornell, so I got to take the class with many of my friends with whom I don't usually cross academic paths. Even though it is a big lecture class, there are smaller discussions every week, which is a great place to ask questions in a smaller setting.
Tell us about your favorite place to study.
I love to study in the main room of Uris library. I am the type of person who needs silence when studying, and this room is great for that. It is a beautiful room with high ceilings and great natural lighting during the day. The room is always filled with other students who are hard at work, which is good motivation to do my own work.
New Rochelle, New YorkGraduation Year
- College of Arts & Sciences
- Economics
- Business
Why is the College of Arts & Sciences (A&S) a great fit for you?
The College of Arts & Sciences is an excellent fit because I entered Cornell with my major undecided, and the A&S curriculum encourages students to explore many different academic areas. Getting a rounded liberal arts education is very important to me and was a significant factor when determining what school I wanted to apply to. A&S has core requirements that every student must take, but these requirements can be fulfilled through many different classes. Along with taking economics classes, I have taken some science classes and a Near Eastern Studies class that I have enjoyed. Additionally, because there are so many course offerings within the college, there are new people to meet in every class! Even after declaring a major, students still have access to many different types of courses rather than having a super-focused and niche schedule. You can have that structure in other schools at Cornell if that is what you're looking for.
How did you find your friends and community at Cornell?
The Tatkon Center for New Students offers many activities to meet new people during Orientation Week and your first semester. I remember meeting many friends at an ice cream social in my dorm during my first week. All first-year students live on North Campus their first year, which fosters a great sense of community and helps people form strong bonds with members of their class, as your friends live no more than five minutes away. I have also made a lot of friends through my club softball team. I recommend joining clubs (either social or academic) to find people with interests similar to yours.
When you were applying, why did you choose Cornell?
Cornell's physical beauty initially drew me in. The buildings are all gorgeous, and the view of Cayuga Lake from above is stunning. The campus is gorgeous in the fall when all of the leaves change color. As I did further research, I liked that Cornell is a medium-sized school, and I realized it would be an excellent academic fit with a great and global alumni network.
Where is your go-to place to eat on campus, and what is your favorite thing to order?
My favorite place to eat on campus is Macs in the Statler Hotel. It's an excellent spot for lunch between classes; their sandwiches are super filling and will leave you satisfied all day. I also enjoy going to the Dairy Bar every once in a while for some ice cream! Cornell has a great app called Eatery, where you can see the food options for all the on-campus spots. The app is perfect for people with dietary restrictions, as you can see menus ahead of time and plan accordingly.