Physical Education Classes at Cornell

Blog Post

Sophie M. author photo
Sophie M.

Cornell students have a requirement to complete two credits worth of Physical Education classes for graduation. With so many PE classes available as options, it can be difficult to narrow down what you should take. Here are my firsthand experiences taking PE classes.  

PE 1422: Meditation and Relaxation 

For my first semester at Cornell, I knew I wanted to take a PE class that would allow me to take a break from academic work involved in my usual classes. I decided to take PE 1422: Meditation and Relaxation. My instructor was extremely welcoming and understanding that all the students had varying experiences with meditation and yoga. The last few minutes of the class also involved us laying down with a blanket and using the time to clear our minds. I would usually dread morning classes, but this class started the day on the right foot, and I would come out of the class fully at peace. 

PE 1600: Introduction to Aerials 

During my second semester at Cornell, I decided that I wanted to be more spontaneous and take a PE class that would challenge my physical fitness and abilities, leading me to enroll in PE 1600: Introduction to Aerials. This was a class that was taken off campus at a location called “Circus Culture.” This class was under a department of Cornell called Cornell Outdoor Education (COE), which helps students seek out PE courses that are not taken on campus. My aerials class challenged my arm and core strength, while also allowing me to learn how to do tricks and hang upside down on the fabric. I had always been fascinated when watching aerial performers execute tricks, and this class made me realize it’s not as easy as it looks! I came out of the class knowing the basics of aerials and circus performances, and I would love to take another aerials class in the future. 

Versatility of PE Classes at Cornell 

Whether you want to lay back and do a meditative PE class or go the extra mile and try rock climbing or paddle boarding, Cornell has it all for you. I plan to attempt to take a PE class every semester, both to care for my body and enjoy a break from academics. The variety of PE classes gives you a chance to explore something new while also watching over your physical health, which is of utmost importance in college. 

When enrolling in your classes, be sure to find a PE class that piques your interest and consider a class that will go out of your comfort zone!